800 2nd Ave - Floor 9
New York, NY 10017
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Call: (646) 329-6585
Monday - Wednesday : 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Thursday: 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Friday: 8 AM - 12 PM

Chronic pain

Chronic pain treatment is the sole focus of New York Pain Relief Medicine. Led by Dr. Suelane Do Ouro, we help our valued patients manage chronic pain and get back to living the comfortable lives that we believe they deserve. Chronic pain can be the consequence of a multitude of conditions and there are many possible solutions. Our strategy is to deploy an open minded strategy that finds the best treatment for you.

Chronic Pain Solutions

One form of chronic pain treatment that we specialise in is in spinal cord and peripheral stimulation. This involves careful placement of an electrode that temporally paralyses the nerve ending allowing for pain relief. What’s more, the patient has full control of the electrode that enables them to manage the pain in accordance to their level of comfort.

Conditions Treated

Spinal Cord Stimulation

As an intervention for patients who have chronic back pain, or nerve pain in their extremities, a spinal cord stimulation can be an effective treatment to manage their pain. An implantable spinal cord stimulator delivers small electrical signals through a lead which is implanted in the epidural space. This process works by inhibiting pain signals before they reach the brain. This procedure has a trial which you may discuss as an option to see if this therapy will be effective for your pain prior to implantation.

Intrathecal (IT) Pumps

An intrathecal pump, are better known as a pain pump, is a device that is surgically implanted to deliver medication to your spinal cord for better pain control. Because the medication is delivered directly to the spine the medication is much more potent, allowing us to better control your pain with smaller doses of medication and less systemic absorption. This treatment is often indicated for patients who are not responsive to oral medications or are requiring higher doses of opioids for pain control.

Pain Medications

Depending on the type of pain you have, we may prescribe you various medications so you can better manage your pain and live a normal functional, healthy life.

Epidural Nerve Block

If you have pain in your back an epidural steroid injection may provide relief by helping to reduce the inflammation which can be surrounding the disc, dura, or nerve root. During this procedure, a steroid is injected into the epidural space, under fluoroscopic guidance, from either the side (known as transforaminal injection) or behind (interlaminar).

SI Joint Injections

SI joint injections can be used for diagnostic and therapeutic reasons if your doctor suspects that you may be having SI Joint inflammation/ dysfunction. This procedure is also performed under fluoroscopic guidance.

Facet Joint Injection/Radiofrequency

Facet joints connect the vertebrae, the bones of the spine. When arthritis/ inflammation develops in this area it can cause severe pain which is non-radiating and can also at times feel like a muscle tension which is not improving. A procedure know as a facet joint injection can be used diagnostically to assess if this is the source of your pain. If you have positive result a Radio-frequency ablation procedure may be recommended for longer lasting results. During this procedure, radio-frequency energy is used to disrupt nerve function so that the nerve can no longer transmit pain from the affected facet joint.

Sympathetic Ganglion Nerve Block

These blocks are widely used to manage chronic pain, usually in treatment of a condition known as CRPS/ RSD. During this procedure, an injection of local anesthetic is given to numb the nerve and interrupt the pain signal.

Joint Injections/RSP and Stem Cells

If you are suffering from arthritis you may develop joint pain. In this case there are various procedures that can be used to help reduce inflammation, lubricate the joint space, stimulate regrowth of cells, and improve pain/ ROM in the affected joint.

Mild Procedure/ Vertiflex Superion – Indirect Decompression

The above are two different procedures which are used in treatment of for lumbar spinal stenosis. It is proven to be safe, effective, and can help you with curvature of your spine as well as pain in your legs which can be a result of nerve compression due to the stenosis.

All Around Specialists

Chronic pain can manifest itself in many different areas from post cancer treatments to joints and arthritic conditions and a multitude of other ways. Our commitment to you is to ensure that your pain is managed so that it minimizes the effect on your life. We believe you should have a vibrant and healthy life and this informs our mission. Dr. Suelane Do Ouro and her team have extensive experience in surgical pain interventions including nerve stimulators and intrathecal pumps as well as the careful administration and moderating of pain medications.

Contact Us

Call: (646) 329-6585

And get started with an assessment by our expert team